Saturday, January 3, 2015

For most of the last two years I have been fighting an illness. I have had very little energy and no matter what I do I feel like shit. For the last couple of months it has gotten worse and I have been going to a few different doctors to try and figure out what is wrong. Well it looks like the mystery has finally been solved. The Urologist I have been seeing, Dr. Jackson, has figured out I have diverticulitis. This is a pocket that develops off the colon and gets infected. In my case one of those pockets has contacted my bladder and stuck to it. There is now a hole in that pocket connecting my colon to my bladder and allowing the contents of each to mix. This will require surgery to fix. I have an appointment with a surgeon on Monday Dec. 29,2014 to talk about having the surgery done. I do not know yet what that surgery will involve exactly, or how long it will take, or how long it will take me to recover. I hope to have all the answers tomorrow.

I have been reflecting a lot on the last couple of years and all of the signs of this that I have ignored. I have ignored my health for so long because I knew I could not afford the bills to go to the doctor and now it has come to a point that I can no longer ignore it and must take action to fix the issue. I don't know how much this is going to cost or how I will pay for it, but I will figure it all out. I am going to take my health more seriously from now on and try make it easier to enjoy my grand kids as they grow. I know that as of late I have been very short tempered with them because I have not felt well and I have not had the patients with them I should. I have many things to work on in the new year to make my life and theirs better.

I met with the surgeon last Monday and he says that this issue is fairly common and wants to get me as over the infection as we can before trying to do the surgery. If all goes well it will be done with the lapriscope and will be minimally invasive. He has prescribed a new antibiotic to combat the infection in my bladder instead of in the colon. This will hopefully help matters and make the surgery easier to do and to recover from. I have an appointment again next Monday to meet with the surgeon again and will have a better idea about when we will do the surgery and what  all it will entail.

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